Margot Bingham

actress - musician - writer

Music is the driving force behind our culture.

It has the power to inspire, unify, and uplift. It is immune to hatred and division.

Music has birthed some of the greatest artists of our time. Artists like Bob Marley, John Lennon, and Bob Dylan. Artists who challenged the status quo by finding their voice to influence real change in our world.

As of late, I can’t help but feel a void. In a time where our society has never felt so divided, I believe we can take measures to restore our sense of humanity through that single outlet that galvanizes us best, music.

Over the next two months, a collection of New York City’s finest musicians and I will be bringing you positive music intended to sooth the soul. We will be taking you on a journey through some of the city’s best studio’s ever created. To musicians like us, they are sanctuaries.

Our mission with Feel Good Studios is simple: to counteract the persistent negativity found on our TV’s and airways with blissful, socially relevant music.

We aim to pay homage to those musical icons who came before us by helping instill faith and community back into our culture.

We hope that you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed recording. May music be our weapon of choice. Here’s to a brighter future!

Peace, love and music,

Margot Bingham